Tags: Open Pollinated
Growing Practices: No Pesticides No Herbicides No Fungicides No Synthetic Fertilizers
Latin Name: Abelmoschus esculentus
Days to Maturity: 52 days
Very productive compact plants with spineless, uniform and tender green pods. At the urging of Edward Lenoir, a Louisiana farmer who specializes in okra production, Edmund Frost set out to dehybridize “Annie Oakley II Hybrid” okra in 2017 because it had been discontinued. However, there wasn’t any of the variability you would expect when saving and replanting seed from a hybrid variety (we believe it wasn’t really a hybrid). Edward has relied on Annie Oakley for years because it is so productive and uniform, and is happy to be able to grow it again! OP stands for Open Pollinated. 14 seeds/gram. Grown by Twin Oaks Seed Farm
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Questions 12 Total
Ask a Question About Annie Oakley OP Okra - Certified Organic
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Are these seeds the "Annie Oakley II" variety I read about, or something different (original Annie Oakley, something newer)?
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Hi there, in terms of productivity, I sure believe you when you say "very productive", but how does it compare to other high yielding okra varieties such as Heavy Hitter and Jambalaya? Also, have you experienced any skin itchiness or rashes with Annie Oakley OP?
Answers 1
We haven't compared it to those varieties, though I would like get more into research like that with okra. Yes, picking Annie Oakley (and all the other okras I've experienced) does cause itchiness for me - I almost always wear gloves and long sleeves. -Edmund for CWSG
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How many days to maturity for Annie Oakley okra?
Answers 1
Averages 52 days here in Central Virginia
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Is Annie Oakley suitable for indoor hydroponic growing?
Answers 1
We don't have experience with this so I'm going to decline to try to answer...
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I bought this seed from you. What's the maximum height of the okra plant for Annie Oakley? Thanks
Answers 1
For the most part you'll be picking from 3-5 foot plants, but by the end of the season it could be 6 feet.
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How do I control ants and stink bugs on my okra plants? I am in New Jersey.
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Where can I buy annie oakley okra seed, need very soon,do you have them
Answers 1
You should be able to buy them here on this website. If you have trouble please email us at commonwealthseeds@gmail.com. We have plenty of seed available.
Thanks, Edmund
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Dehybridize and segregation... are you saying you can, or cannot use seeds from the plants to reseed the next year?
Answers 1
You can save the seeds and they should come true, provided there isn't other okra around that could cross with it.
Edmund for CWSG
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I live in North Texas and am very interested in purchasing some of these seeds. Could you give me a general idea of how long it would take them to get to me after I order? I am hoping to plant within the next two weeks.
Answers 1
We're shipping within about 5 days right now. I expect transit time would be about 4 days. - Edmund for CWSG Also feel free to contact us at commonwealthseeds@gmail.com
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I ordered 5 grams (70 seeds) and only have 39 plants. Is this normal? I have long gaps in places where nothing came up. I usually have very good stands of okra and give buckets away.
Answers 2
This seed germ tested at 91% in December. I will be planting some soon and will keep an eye on how it comes up and let you know. Its been really cold here in Virginia this spring, so if you're experiencing something similar that could be the problem. Edmund for CWSG
I don't know where you live but we (Iowa) usually soak our seeds in water for up to 24 hours before planting. Don't go over 24 hours though. It greatly helps with germination and stand counts. We also try to never plant before the soil temps are 70F which for us is around June 1st. There is a fine window of harvest with these late planting dates as Okra needs a hot summer to really produce but it works up this far north. I grew up in northern Illinois and we did the same there.
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I ordered Annie Oakley seed (1 ounce) from Seed wise and never got an acknowledgement via email. I may have done something wrong. I keep trying to send the order but got no response. I ordered via credit card from cew46@bellsouth.net. Just trying to find out what went wrong? Thanks CEW
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Reading the description of your Annie Oakley OP Okra I'm not clear if you were successful in dehybridizing the seeds. the statement "However, we haven't seen any of the segregation you would expect when saving and replanting seed from a hybrid variety" doesn't say in layman terms if this variety reproduces true from the seeds saved from the plant.
Answers 1
Our assessment is that Annie Oakley F1 was either not really a hybrid, or the two parents were extremely similar. So yes, as far as we can tell it reproduces true from the seeds saved, like any other open-pollinated variety. Hope this helps. Edmund for CWSG
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Refunds are on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us with your concerns and we will be happy to be of service.
Common Wealth Seed Growers
Louisa, VA,
United States (Zone 7a)
Established in 2014
acres in production