Meet the SeedWise Farmers
Back Home Farm
Blue Mounds, WI, United States (Zone 5a)
Sells: Tomatoes Zinnia Beans Sunflower Other Flowers Peppers - Sweet Celosia Watermelons
Common Wealth Seed Growers
Louisa, VA, United States (Zone 7a)
Sells: Peppers - Hot Cucumbers Watermelons Okra Eggplant Melons Squash - Summer Peppers Kale Corn Tomatoes Lettuce Peppers - Sweet Squash - Winter Beans Pumpkins Greens Gourds
Feral Farm
Jacksonville, OR, United States (Zone 9a)
Sells: Other Herbs Cosmos Lettuce Watermelons Celosia Sunflower Kale Carnation Zucchini Fennel Zinnia Mint Poppy Peppers - Sweet Arugula Marigold Hyssop Onions Tomatoes Fruits Collards Cabbage Basil Parsley Peppers Garlic Greens Peas Cilantro Sorrel Peppers - Hot Turnips Grains Dill Spinach Eggplant Beans Gourds Pumpkins Cucumbers Melons Hollyhock Corn Calendula Mustard Squash - Winter Amaranthus Other Flowers Chard Squash - Summer
Grower Jim's Plants and Produce LLC
Apopka, FL, United States (Zone 9B)
Sells: Tomatoes Greens Other Herbs
Mellon Farm
San Francisco, CA, United States (Zone 4-10)
Sells: Shrubs Peppers - Hot Poppy Other Herbs
Peaceful Heritage Nursery
Stanford, KY, United States (Zone 6)
Sells: Corn Beans Okra Pawpaw Tomatoes Melons Passionfruit Kale Gourds
Sylvan Roots
Morgantown, WV, United States (Zone 6a)
Sells: Tomatoes Zucchini Peppers - Hot Beans Sunflower