Tags: Certified Organic Open Pollinated
Growing Practices: No Pesticides No Herbicides No Fungicides No Synthetic Fertilizers
Latin Name: Cucumis sativus
Days to Maturity: 56 days
New Release - Developed by Edmund Frost for Common Wealth Seed Growers.
Our new downy mildew resistant slicing cucumber! Named after the wind that blows downy mildew spores here from the South every summer. Bred especially for late summer when downy mildew pressure is high, South Wind also grows well and produces over a long season when planted early. Edmund focused a lot on bacterial wilt tolerance as well as downy resistance in the selections. These are strong, vigorous and productive plants that rarely produce misshapen fruits, even under stress. Straight, medium green, 7-8 inch cucumbers with aromatic flavor. Stem ends are never bitter. We are still refining this variety - please send us your feedback! 47 seeds/gram. Grown by Twin Oaks Seed Farm.
From our friends at Broadfork Farm in Chesterfield, VA:
"(The Common Wealth Slicer Lines) all tremendously outperformed other varieties in terms of late season Downy Mildew pressure... All three were spectacularly better than all other varieties we have tried as far as marketability, eating quality, and productivity... These cukes are stunning with their color, and super forgiving with their size. They are still very good when harvested too late. We love, love, love them. They meet all of our needs and wants for late season cukes."
These seeds and their offspring are open-source and not available for private intellectual property ownership. Pass on these words when you pass on the seeds!
Please click the Common Wealth Seed Growers link to the right to view all of our other listings!
Story of this Seed:
(by Edmund Frost)
I've been working on this cucumber at Twin Oaks Seed Farm / Common Wealth Seed Growers since 2015. Since 2013 if you count variety trials.
We started with an initial cross between two cucumbers that stood out in our 2014 downy mildew trial - one from China and one from the Philippines. I made a selection from this population in 2016 under heavy downy mildew and bacterial wilt pressure, and managed to cross that plant to an American pickling cucumber. Selection from the resulting three-way cross started in late 2017 (we can grow two generations of cucumbers to seed here in a growing season).
The resulting population had a lot of diversity, and is the foundation for our other new cucumber Common Wealth Pickler as well as South Wind Slicer. We received grants from Organic Farming Research Foundation in 2018 and 2019 for cucumber research and breeding work. The 2014 trial happened with SARE funding. Read more about all this on our research page: Commonwealthseeds.com/research.
Thanks and Acknowledgement to:
-Indigenous and peasant farmers and communities in China, the Philippines and many other places whose brilliant work over so many generations created the parent cucumber varieties used in this project. My hope is to be one small, good part of this whole story.
-Kathy Reitsma and others at North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station in Ames, Iowa (they maintain the cucumber collection for the USDA germplasm bank).
-Adam Call and Todd Wehner from NC State for their work in "Studies on Resistance to Downy Mildew in Cucumber" (2010). Results of this study largely informed the choices in our 2014 downy mildew trial where we identified what parents to use in this project.
-Michael Mazourek, organic plant breeder from Cornell, for support, guidance and encouragement.
-Micaela Colley and Jared Zystro from Organic Seed Alliance.
-Bill Holdsworth for making the initial cross in the winter of 2015.
-Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) and Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SSARE).
-Jay Bost for doing seed increases and re-combinations in Hawaii over the winters of 2019 and 2020.
-Janet Aardema and Dan Gagnon from Broadfork Farm for their encouragement and feedback.
Questions 5 Total
Ask a Question About South Wind Slicing Cucumber - Certified Organic
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are these and the pickling cucumbers bush or vining plants? Can/should either by trellised?
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any resistance to powdery mildew?
Answers 1
We get a lot of downy mildew at Twin Oaks Seed Farm in Central Virginia, but not a lot of powdery mildew - so I can't speak from experience. However, its my understanding that powdery mildew resistance often correlates to downy mildew resistance. And also we got this feedback from trials of South Wind Slicer and Common Wealth Pickler at Fedco Seeds in Maine: Both cucumbers have great PM resistance! PM is one of the major concerns with growing cucumbers in this area and both varieties out performed most varieties in our trials. -Edmund for CWSG
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Is this variety Parthenocarpic or Monoecious?
Answers 1
Its monoecious...
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We're small scale (1 acre vegetables), intensive market gardeners using no-till, organic growing methods so we're always on the lookout for cuke varieties that give us an edge on insect tolerance. Grew SW for the first time in 2022. Very happy with the longevity of the vines and harvest. Fruit is absolutely delicious! Definitely on the roster for 2023. Seeds just arrived end of December. Thank you to the team at Common Wealth for developing strong varieties for those of us not relying on pesticides to grow good food. Your hard work is giving growers like ourselves good results. Broad Branch Farm, Chillicothe, IL
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Not a question, but I wanted to use this space to endorse this cucumber. We transplanted into the field and left them to sprawl. Stood strong in the face of diseases and an onslaught of cucumber beetles. Almost no incidence of bacterial wilt in a year where the bugs were definitely spreading it all over the place. Plants produced from September all the way through frost in November. Fruit quality was good with a long harvest window - delicious when harvested young and still good at 7 inches and filled out. Chefs were happy with them. Would recommend to the small grower.
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Shipping Policies
We ship orders once a week on Friday, via US Postal Service. If you need expidited service we'll try to help - contact us at commonwealthseeds@gmail.com
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Refunds are on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us with your concerns and we will be happy to be of service.
Common Wealth Seed Growers
Louisa, VA,
United States (Zone 7a)
Established in 2014
acres in production