Banbury Farm
Located in Buhl, ID, United States (Zone 6B)
0 Total Reviews
Farm Facts
Established in 1980
acres in production
4 varieties for sale
Grows and Sells: Corn

wayne marshall
About the Farm
I am a third generation Idaho farmer. I started Banbury farm in 1980, located in the Snake River Canyon near Buhl. It’s unique in the fact that it has ample gravity pressure pure spring water, deep fertile soil deposited from the Bonneville flood 14,000 years ago and a warm micro climate. I run the farm mostly solo but get part time help from a neighbor. I primarily grow alfalfa hay.
With the Glass Gem corn we have been making polenta, hominy and cornmeal. It is a delicious eating corn as well as a beautiful, decorative corn. It tested negative for GMO with a 10,000 seed sample.
Our Commitment to Quality Seed
Isolation distances from any other corn grower was adequate.
Our Growing Practices
Banbury Farm became certified organic in 2009. I did not renew my certification in 2020 but still use the same farming practices.
Our Seed Farming Experience
I started growing corn seed in 2014. I obtained enough seed for a large planting of Glass Gem corn. I take the time to hand select each ear by seed size, off types and quality. I cull over 30% of it. We pick it by hand, shuck it by hand and dry it on a heated concrete floor for a week or more before sorting and hand shelling it.
Regional Adaptation
I select for color, kernel characteristics and standing ability.