Ancient Whole Grain
Located in Bartlett, TX, United States (Zone 8b)
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Farm Facts
Established in 2012
acres in production
3 varieties for sale
Grows and Sells: Grains

Danny Dusek

About the Farm
We started the farm to provide healthy, organic wheat for our families and to plant and save varieties of rare ancient wheats for future generations. We started with a few ounces of ancient varieties from Jerusalem, Egypt and other locations that had been grown for 1000s of years. The wheats grew so well here in Central Texas, that we were able to expand the acreage year after year until we have enough to be able to offer to you and have enough seed to plant again. The farm is operated by Danny, Sandy and Rick. We plant and harvest with assistance from our family and friends in the area. We started with a few small plots 12 years ago and have been able to expand to 24 acres. We now grow only ancient and heritage wheats.
Our Commitment to Quality Seed
Quality from start to finish is vitally important so we are careful to keep all varieties segregated from start to finish. The different varieties are planted with a minimum of 10 feet between. But in most cases the fields are separated by 100 or more feet. The isolation distances have all been approved by the Texas Dept of Agriculture Organic Certification branch. If the isolation distances were not adequate, we would have not received our approval to be a certified organic farm. Over the years we have tried different organic fertilizers to improve the quality of the wheat. We have settled on the best of the best.......
Our Growing Practices
As our goal was to provide healthy organic food for our families, we are totally committed to organic planting. To assure we were following all the current guidelines for organic planting and storage, we sought and received approval to be a Certified Organic Farm.
Our Seed Farming Experience
We have been saving seeds for 12 years for our own use and/or setting the seeds aside for future use. We learned how to grow and save seeds from the Texas Dept of Agriculture, from the Certified Organic Inspectors from Texas and from a Certified Organic Mill, who has assisted us in planting and storing seeds. As we are now a certified organic farm, the majority of our seeds are stored at the certified storage of Barton Springs Mill in Dripping, Texas. When we prepare the seeds for shipping or planting we store these in food grade containers covered in nitrogen.
Regional Adaptation
We selected wheats that had been grown in countries all over the world for 1000's of years proving their ability to survive the most extreme conditions. In some cases, we selected varieties that were near the same latitude as our farm. We have planted different varieties and eliminated those that did not do well; were difficult to harvest; or we were not satisfied with the quality of the seed or taste.