Refining Fire Chiles
Located in Lindale, GA, United States (Zone 10a)
0 Total Reviews
Farm Facts
Established in 2004
acres in production
129 varieties for sale
Grows and Sells: Peppers - Hot, Peppers - Sweet

James Duffy
About the Farm
I started growing Chiles in 2003. I had a large salsa garden and made salsa and sold the extra peppers to help me earn money to make meals for kids at an outreach Youth Center called Youth Venture in East County San Diego. In 2006 I expanded operation to grow hundreds of plants to sell to some restaurants. In 2007 I started saving seeds from Isolated plants that I grew on friends properties. In 2009 I started selling plants in small amounts. In 2010 I expanded seed growing to 20 more of my friends properties for seed growing and started shipping chile plants nationwide. Now I contract grow for produce in 3 States and supply seeds to over a dozen Nurseries in the U.S.. I also sell wholesale seeds to other seed vendors in 4 other Countries. My seeds have been used in 2011 Study at NMSU involving Superhot peppers. I also supply seeds to other Chile farmers that grow peppers for some manufacturers in their region. I now have over 200 Chile Pepper varieties in my Catalog.
Our Commitment to Quality Seed
Questions have already been answered earlier. But will recap. We feed good for good peppers. We save from the best we grow to make the variety better for the future. We dont do isolation by distance because we net everything unless its a single variety grown by itself miles away for other varieties.
Our Growing Practices
We treat our seed plants like you would treat an expectant mother. We spare no expense in feeding our plants the best so future generations will be better. We use minerals, trace minerals, worm castings, Myco and go with a low Nitrogen formula via a drip injection system. Pest Control is done with Neem, Pyrethrin, Citrus Oils, Lacewings, Lady Bugs, Predatory Mites and Beneficial Nematodes. Water in 2014-2015 will be filtered.
Our Seed Farming Experience
I have been saving my own seeds since 2009. When dealing with new varieties we select from the best plants and peppers in the hope to improve the variety and stabilize the traits we want for future generations. We grow under netting when multiple varieties are on one property together to avoid cross pollination.
Regional Adaptation
This does not apply to me. Chiles can grow in any region from the tip of South America to Central Canada. Adjustment must be made like starting earlier indoors in shorter seasons. Or growing in partial sun or under shade cloth in extreme heat summers. But I have found that all Chile varieties can be grown in any region. Will some do better and produce more in some areas. Of course!